Saturday, 27 January 2007

Better posting to and also bookmarking non-URL file locations

Better posting to and also bookmarking non-URL file locations
From: Matthew Tippett
Date: 27-Jan-2007 13:41
Subject: Fwd: tweak to delish bookmarklet
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Dear B_,

I'm interesting in ways that the post function of could be improved even further.
We have bundled our tags ( - and would like to enable users to draw from pre-defined tags - as well as making up their own.
But when we use the post button (in the FireFox extension) the only kind of tag offered is: ' your network'
For that reason some of us are using a bookmarklet with this javascript:


this presents more types of tags, including: 'your tags' and sometimes 'recommended tags'

Unfortunately I do not know how to write javascript - but what would be really really useful: to be able to modify the behaviour of what is offered in the post page having clicked on the post to button - in particular so that 'your tags' are presented in the tag bundles that you have created.

Since I don't know how to do this I've resorted to prefixing tags with symbols to group them together - but this then means that otherwise sensible tags get distorted.

Having been inspired by the ideas in this article:

Folksonomies: Tidying up Tags? (

I thought that by being able to present tags grouped under their bundles from the post pop-up that this might go a long way to answering some of the issues raised in that article (and help me mix the benefits of top-down and bottom-up categorisation / tagging with friends and colleagues).

I would be very grateful if could consider this, and I wold be even more grateful a solution could be offered. Many thanks.

Kind regards,

P.S. another winning solution that is on my wishlist is:

If it were possible to bookmark Uniform Naming Convention UNC as well as URLs, then it is likely that groups of people that share the same server networks and drive letters would also be able to tag and share their key files as well as good websites - in effect a bottom-up knowledge management system.

This would be of tremendous interest - and would unify the tags that people (and small companies) use to organise and find information.

At the moment, trying to post non-URLs comes up with this message:

"only http, https, news, and ftp schema URLs are allowed right now. if you have a really good reason i should allow another one, please email"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matthew Tippett
Date: 21-May-2006 17:26
Subject: Re: tweak to delish bookmarklet
To: Christopher Millward

Thanks Chris - that is helpful.

I think I've now stumbled across what I've been looking for from:

it can create:

which inludes the very helpful click-list of your own exisitng tags, as well as popular and recommended tags (as well as the for: tags of your 'network)

very helpful indeed - especially your own tags - as we trying to use a mixture of pre-defined tags as well as letting people follow the wind!


On 21/05/06, Christopher Millward wrote:

I'm glad to hear that you found some of that stuff useful. I forget its up there sometimes, but here's what you were asking about. It's essentially the current bookmarklet with the "selection" bit added in.

I will post it on my page too. (The server's down right now, but it will probably be back up soon).

javascript:(function(){e ='' + (window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.getSelection ? document.getSelection () : document.selection.createRange().text);open(';noui=yes;jump=close;url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+';title='+encodeURIComponent(document.title)+';notes='+encodeURIComponent(e),'delicious','toolbar=no,width=700,height=400')})( )

Have a nice day,

On 5/20/06, Matthew Tippett wrote:

Britta Gustafson at pointed out the
"bookmarklets that I've found to extend functionality" from ( to me.

I really like the fact that copied text is added to the extended description, but found that having saved the post that the tab then tries to return to my homepage ( but that it is blank/empty.

Unfortunatly I don't know any javascript, but wondered if you would find it useful to mix the functionality of different bookmarklets suggested on the official page with those you have created?

This is what comes from (


its advantages are that it comes in a pop-up window and disappears once it the post is saved and it also lists your own previously used tags - oddly - unlike the tag button in the extension for firefox (

and the two suggested from your site:

javascript:h=location.href;t=document.title;e = "" + (window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.getSelection ? document.getSelection() : document.selection.createRange().text); if (!e) e = prompt("You didn't select any text. Enter a description:", ""); if (e!=null) location="" + escape(h) + "&title=" + escape(t) + "&extended=" + escape(e).replace(/ /g, "+"); void 0

javascript:h=location.href;t=document.title;e = "" + (window.getSelection ? window.getSelection() : document.getSelection ? document.getSelection() : document.selection.createRange().text); location="" + escape(h) + "&title=" + escape(t) + "&extended=" + escape(e).replace(/ /g, "+"); void 0

have the key advantage of taking selected text from the browser and pre-filling the extended description.

How could the javascript for pre-filling the extended description be combined with the pop-up function of the current default bookmarklet from ?

Any thoughts / sample javascript would be very much appreciated!

A really cool solution that it would be great for to consider would be a 'build your own bookmarklet' thing - a bit like:
and (though for linkrolls and tagrolls) and

regards and thanks,

Matthew Tippett

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